Rules and regulations in Dogotel

§ 1. The owner leaving his dog in hotel is obliged to leave dog's health booklet or passport documenting the dog's current vaccination against rabies.
§ 2. Entrusting party declares that dog enthrusted to the hotel:
    - has been dewormed in last 6 months
    - has current vaccinations aganist infectious diseases
    - has been protcted aganist fleas and tics

§ 3. Hotel for dogs is obliged to:

feeding the dog two times a day or in accordance with arrangments with entrusting party
taking the dog for a walks regulary, but not less than 3 times a day, so that the dog has opportunity to run out each time or in accordance with arrangments with entrusting party
make every effort to ensure that the dog entrusted to him receives the best possible care, as well as to help him acclimatize to the new place and reduce the associated stress and provide him with contacts with other dogs (if indicated and possible)
ensuring rest-time for the entrusted dog during the day
ensuring an individual approach to ech dog, after prior arrangment with the entrusting party in this regard
upon request, providing the entrusting party with information about the entrusted dog
takein care of the mental and psyhical contidion of the entrusted dog, and if there is a need to provide dog with veterinary care, at the same time notifying the entrusting party immediately
administer, if necessary, medications prescribed by a veterinarian.

§ 4. During the dog's stay at the hotel, it is possible to use additional services  in the form of care treatments and training under conditions presented on the entrusting party's website:
These classes require an additional fee.

§ 5. The entrusting party undertakes to:
inform the Dog Hotel reliably and truthfully about the animal's health condition and ensure that the health booklet left at the Hotel contains appropirate adnotations to help the veterinarian in case the dog needs to be treated
providing the hotel with information regarding the nature of dog which is lefting in the hotel, in particular information that the dog is aggressive towards people or other animals
providing the Dogotel with instructions oyher than those in point b) that are important in the care of the dog
timely payment for the dog's stay at the hotel
bearing the costs of veterinary advice, treatment or surgey saving dog's life and the costs of medicines purchased by the Dogotel in case that the dog falls ill or the disease manifests itself during its stay at the Hotel.

§ 6. During the period of the dog's stay in Dogotel, the entrusting party undertakes to leave:
dog's health book
dog's passpotr or, if not available, vaccinatio  certificate
an appropirate amount of food for the dog in relation to the duration of the stay, unless he has commissioned the hotel to feed the dog
collar, leash, muzzle (in the case of aggressive dogs)
bed or blanket (in the case of dogs with a delicate mentality)
For the duration of dog stay at the Dogotel your dog's documents will be properly deposited at the hotel.

§ 7. In the event of a sudden illness of the dog, the entrusting party consents to its treatment to the necessary extent determined by a veterinarian indicated by the Hotel. Dogotel immidiately notifies the entrusting party if the dog becomes ill. The inability to notify the entrusting party does not impede the course of treatment. The entrusting party agrees to carry out all medical procedures neseccary to save the animal's life, including surgey and anesthesia, while being aware of the risks of these procedures. Dogotel immidiately notifies the entrusting party about the need tp carry out the treatments. The inability to notyfy the entrusting party does not suspend the procedure.

§ 8. In case the dog is not collected from the Dogotel within 30 days from the date of collection, the dog becomes the property of the Dogdotel, which may dispose of it at its own discretion.

§ 9. The hotel day lasts from 7:00 a.m. On the first day of the reservation to 8:00 p.m. on the last day of the reservation. The dog should be accommodated in the Dog Hotel after 7:00 a.m.and picked up before 8:00 p.m. on the last day of the stay.
For a dog picked up after 8 p.m. a fee for another hotel day is added.

§ 10. Fees for a dog's stay in the Dog Hotel arecalculatde in accordance with the Price List available on the website:
in force on the day of concluding the contract. The entrusting party should pay the fee no later than during picking up the dog from the hotel. In cas of a stay longer than 30 days, the entrusting party is obliged to pay the fee in advance at least once a month. If the dog's stay at the Dogotel is extedned, the entrusting party is obliged to pay an amount corresponding to the actual lenght of the stay.

§ 11. If a dog dies during stay at the Dogotel for reasons beyond the control of the Dogotel, it is not responsible for this event and does not bear the costs of disposal or burial of the body. These costs are borne by the Client.

§ 12. During the leaving dog at Dogotel, the entrusting person is obliged to inform Dogotel about the animal's aggresive behavior. If a dog shows aggresive behavior that poses a threat to other dogs staying in Dogotel or the staff of the Dogotel, the Dogotel reserves the right to place such a dog in a separate room and increase the fee for its stay in accordance with the price adopted in the current applicable price list. Dogotel informs the entrusting party about placing the dog in a separate room and about increasing the price of the stay.

§ 13. Dogotel reserves that it is not lianle for many damage caused to the entrusted dog as a result of force majeure, actions or omissions of third parties, as well as the behavior of animals not under its care, unless the damage wea caused by the culpable action or omission of the Dogotel.

§ 14. the hotel for Dogs reserves that it is not liable for any damage caused by the behavior of the dog entrusted to it, unless this behavior is caused by hotel's culpable action or omission.